Grades 4-5

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Language Arts
     The Adjective Detective        What are Nouns?         

     Match the Eponyms              Borrowing Game

     Idioms                                 Jigsaw Game

     Find the Matching Pair          Eye on Idioms              

     Nouns and Verbs                 Word Clouds

     8 Letters                              Character Scrapbook

     Spin and Spell                      Look, Cover, Write

     Choosing Adjectives            Mystery of the Poison Dart Frog     


     Letter Generator                   Letter Poems

     Postcard Creator                  Shape Poems

     Timeline Creator                    Acrostic Poem

     Bio-Cube Planning Sheet       Bio-Cube

     Animal Study                        Character Trading Cards

     Comic Creator                     Diamante Poem

     Book Cover Guide               Book Cover Creator

     Poetry Machine                    Myth Brainstorming Machine

     Story Starter Machine          Don't Use Said

     Writing Fun                          Dynamite Sentences


     Fraction Monkey                 Fish  

     Polygon Playground             Power Lines

     Speed Grid Challenge          Fraction Game

     Math Zapper                       Money Program

     Marble Mania                     Number Sequences

     Fraction Activity                  Visual Fractions

     Chicken Coop Estimation Game

     Thinking of a Number

Social Studies

     United States Map              Place the State


     Place the Organs